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TV Guidance Counselor Podcast

May 25, 2016

March 8-12, 1980

Today Ken welcomes writer, Tick-creator and all around personal hero Ben Edlund to the show.

Ken and Ben discuss going through the looking glass from Massachusetts, desire to play by the rules, a multi-TV household, piloting the house from the kitchen, The Muppets, Henson's subversive PBS model, WGBH, Zoom, trying to live the California lifestyle in New England, CHiPs, Beefcake Baywatch, Baywatch Nights, punk rock scare episodes, C.B. Radio culture, men and ape, Fantasy Island, Hawaii 5-0, Love Boat, Herve Velechez, Mason Reese, Hunks, Mr. Magoo, the noble idiot, Harvey Comics meeting Heavy Metal, Epic Magazine, Alice, One Day at a Time, The Unshakable Mollie B, Freebie and the Bean, M*A*S*H milk, The Tick is the ticket, That's Incredible vs. Real People, The Gary Marshall universe, FoxKids, Pirates of Dark Water, Bobby's World, Sheriff Lobo, first run syndication, The Day After Tomorrow, Three's Company, SOAP, sad songs in Taxi, Hart to Hart, old movies, writing to Jacques Cousteau, Captain Bob, drawing, running a trading card supply syndicate, Buck Rogers, Quark, Benson, Ron Glass, Firefly, Barney Miller, Supernatural Hal Linden, Captain America the Musical, Quincy, the dark underbelly of NYC, the Incredible Hulk, The Benji problem, Pink Lady and Jeff, Creature Features, Lon Chaney Jr boozing it up, faking your own death, Breaking Bad, myth arch vs. monster of the week and the coming of the cyborg age.