Dec 19, 2017
July 27 - August 2, 1996
Today Ken welcomes writer and personality Ella Morton (Atlas Obscura) to the show.
Ken and Ella discuss Boston's strange museums, ether dome, The Maparium, growing up in Australia, going to high school in Dallas TX, why TV lockers give you a false sense of hope, Dynasty, Beverly Hills 90210, The X-Files, John Safran, America's short lived obsession with Australia, cultural views of blackface, Michael Crawford on Some Mothers do 'ave em, hoping they might kiss, technology driven fan communities, online message boards, Xena, She Wolf of London, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Millenium, The Lone Gunmen, New Zealand, Peter Jackson, Forgotten Silver, Salem MA's weird tourist history, The Nanny, Round the Twist, sleazy three camera sitcoms, live episodes, musical episodes, The Drew Carey Show, how the main characters getting together ruins the show, Cheers, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Comic Books, Stephen Hawking, The Simpsons, Chris Carter's transgressions, Fish Police, My Two Dads, Kate and Allie, Women in Prison, learning how to be a better you through Captain Picard's example on Star Trek The Next Generation, The Howling III, Peter Boyle, why it's weird for teachers to hang out with their students, why it's irresponsible to let someone watch Battlestar Gallactica alone, Xena as pride, Sydney, how Halloween isn't a thing outside the US, Australian news bloopers, and why Ken won't shut the hell up about Fringe.