Jul 30, 2016
On this special Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens edition of the show Ken welcomes musician and actor of face and voice Mr. Robbie Rist (The Brady Bunch, TMNT, Kidd Video) to the show.
Ken and Robbie discuss The Cousin Oliver incident, Kidd Video, being a musical kid, twists of fate, growing up in Los Angeles, being a Mad Scientist, Monster Movies, B-Movie innovation, fantasies of murdering Cousin Oliver, The Brady Bunch, Big John Little John, the secrets of Vincent Price, latch key kids, punk rock lives, Lucas Tanner, renting lions, South Park Morality, The Monster Squad TV Series, identifying with the Wolfman, The Incredible Hulk, the dark times in a post Vietnam world, 90s Dark comedies, how 6 weeks of work can follow you forever, Renee Semard, Turn Me Up, Cutting off balls, Ami Dolenz, She's Out of Control, Mickey Rooney, playing Ted Baxter's son on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, how "Oh my nose!" may solve the world's problems, shared cultural experience, Post Apocalyptic Pop Culture, Sharknado, doing the music for Sharknado, getting killed in Sharknado, the theme from S.W.A.T., the Young Ones, Land of the Lost, Michael Bay's disdain for humanity, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Chosen Survivors and why we should remake bad movies.